I'm using this day to accomplish two things, my day 11 requirement, and to blog Kinley's baptism.
Kinley was baptized at our church on March 6th. There were 18 babies baptized on that particular Sunday so no "god parents" or sponsors are really involved, it was a pretty low key event for us. My parents go to the same church as us so they were there to witness the baptism, and my grandpa and his wife Mary also came to watch.

Kinley was a champ! She didn't cry at all during the baptism and then fell asleep as soon as it was over and slept quietly for the entire church service. I like how our church approaches baptism, they use it more as a declaration of the parents saying they will raise their child knowing Christ, and that at some point Kinley will still have to proclaim Jesus as her savior in order to be saved.
Matt, Kinley & I right after her baptism.

Sweet baby Kinley with her baptism dress (that my sister and I were also baptized in) and her necklace from Grandma.

Kinley with her great grandpa, Mary and Matt & I

My parents with Kinley

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