You are such a happy, fun little girl. You are such a blessing to your daddy and I. You have the sweetest laugh EVER! There are nights that we can tickle and play with you and get you to laugh for 10 minutes straight, your laugh makes me smile so much that my cheeks hurt. Thank you for making my first first Mother's day amazing, it is truly amazing to be your mommy.
Mommy & Daddy
And now for your latest stats:
Weight: 15 lbs 6 oz : 51st percentile
Length: 25 3/4 inches : 65th Percentile
Diaper size: Size 2 (you are on the last box and will be in size 3's next week!)
Clothes size: You are mostly wearing 3-6 month clothes, and just a few 6 month outfits.
Sleep: You are still consistently sleeping 10 hours each night.
Favorite activities/things: Playing on the floor, holding your toys and chewing on them, jumping in your excersaucer, smiling and laughing at daddy, reading "touch and feel" books, and "talking" with mommy.
Eating: You are eating every 3-4 hours during the day.
Nicknames: Sweet Pea
Talking: I LOVE hearing your happy little squeal, it went missing for a few weeks and is back, louder than ever. =)
New adventures: You got to go on your first vacation, and first flight! You were a champ! You slept almost the entire flight, both ways. You had a blast with Aunt Keri in Florida and enjoyed the warm weather.
New Skills You just started to sit up all on your own!! I love watching you sit and learn about your new surroundigns and view. A few weeks ago you began to roll from your back to tummy, you've only done it a few times and only when it's been just you and daddy. It's ok... I KNOW it will be my turn to see something first next, and that means I'll see the first crawl. =)
Your photoshoot this month was painful. You wanted nothing to do with pictuers. I'm not sure if you are afraid of my new camera, just hated the wind outside, or were not a fan of the fluffy blanket I tried to put you on, but no matter what it was you were not into pictures this month.
Here are a few of the pictures that are decent, although to be honest, as a photographer these really frustrate me to look at because the focus is off, the exposure was off, but it was all we could do just to snap a few between the crying- we did it without really even checking settings. Oh well, it will make us laugh someday. =)

1 comment:
Happy 5 months! She is absolutely adorable
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