There it was. The magical moment we had dreamed of for 16 months, and impatiently waited for for 17 days. The entire reason that I had endured invasive, painful and miserable moments, tests and treatments for was right in front of me.
Our baby’s heartbeat.
Our lives have forever changed because of this one moment.
My heart is overcome with joy. My eyes are filled with joyful tears. My soul is full with thankfulness.
This is what I was made for, to be a mother.
We are elated right now. I am more in love with this tiny tadpole-ish baby than I had ever realized was possible.
I am relieved beyond words that this day has ended like I had prayed it would. God has given me a child to grow and nurture for the next 33 weeks, and for the rest of our lives, and I am thankful.
Our tiny creation has made me the happiest woman in the world today.
We were released today to a "regular" doctor closer to where we live. I called to make my first appointment and after talking to the nurse about some of our "issues" and our previous loss, they want me to come for an 8 week ultrasound and to meet the doctor. So we will get to see our precious babe again in just a week and a half, super excited!
Thank you for all of the prayers, they definitely worked. You are all amazing, and so important to us.
Life couldn’t get any better right now.
The 3 Kings =)
Meet baby king! (this is a picture of a picture, needless to say it's not very clear)

Matt and I with our baby's first picture
Matt, Me, & Lois (nurse nice- also the nurse that did our IUI and has been amazing the entire time)
Congrats! I am so happy for you!!! Enjoy the rest of your pregnancy!
Sooooo excited!! :)
I am overfilled with joy reading your post. YAY! Thanks for sharing your journey...can't wait to read more.
Happy Mother's Day Bailey...I am so excited for you guys! What a gift to celebrate today!:)
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