April 4, 2010

thank YOU

Thank you all so much for the prayers, they are truly working.

This week I was with a close friend and she asked me what "day" I was on... I had to stop and think. I like not obsessing, and having to stop and think.

I have never had this kind of peace during a treatment cycle in my life! I am not anxious, I am not worried, I am calm. I am so thankful for this new found feeling.

I am not sure if this cycle will end in a baby or not, but I do know that God has a plan for us. I have trust in what we're doing and what He is doing.

Today marks halfway through our dreaded wait. These first 7 days have flown by, I'm hopeful the next 8 will also.


Mindy said...

After several years of going through fertility treatment, she said one night she woke up in the middle of the night, and had an overwhelming sense of calmness, and felt God told her everything was okay. She became pregnant that cycle and the moment she woke up, she figured out, was probably right when the embryo was implanting. I'm hoping your sense of peace is a good sign, and even if it's not, I'm sure it feels good to be freed from those anxieties.

Mindy said...

Sorry, this story relates to my mom, and my brother being conceived