A neglected blog following our life as a family of four, and offering hope as we document our struggles with infertility.
August 6, 2010
A few of my favorite things
The past few months have kept Matt and I quite busy as far as photography goes. We have had some really awesome families, babies, and kids to photograph. I thought I'd share just a few of my favorite photos from the last month or so. Head over to my other blog, www.baileykingphotography.blogspot.com to see more.
My husband and I met in college, and we were married in 2008. We began trying to start a family a few months later, only to find out that we were going to have a few challenges along the way. We found out that I have PCOS a few months into trying to conceive. After lots of hormone injections and an IUI we conceived but miscarried just a few weeks later, which lead to an MTHFR diagnosis. We are learning to have patience and trust in God that He has a plan. Our third IUI gave us another pregnancy. We welcomed our beautiful daugther Kinley, in December 2010. After one round of oral infertility meds we conceived our second child in March of 2012, and welcomed Laykin that December. We feel incredibly blessed to be the parents to a beautiful daughter and son.
1/4/2011- Appointment with pediatric cardiologist: Dr thinks that the whole in Kinley's heart will close by her 1st birthday.
12/16/10- Kinley has an echocardiogram (ultrasound of the heart) that shows a ventricular septal defect (VSD) in her heart (a .22cm hole between the left and right chambers of her heart)
12/14/10- Newborn clinic appointment: Kinley is back to birth weight, 6lbs 13.8oz. A heart murmur is heard by the nurse. Appointment with pediatrician, he confirms heart murmur and schedules echocardiogram.
12/7/10- Kinley Maxine arrives 12 days early! 6lbs 14oz, 19 inches long, she is beautiful!!
Our Journey With Infertility:
December 2013- Conceive naturally after going strict paleo (no grains, no sugar, no processed foods) for 5 months.
March 2010 - Cd 3-7 5mg Femara, Cd 7-10 100iu Follistim injections, Cd11 follicle tracking ultrasound- no follicles over 10mm, Cd 11-14 150iu Follistim, Cd 14 ultrasound - 14mm, 11mm, & 9mm follicles, Cd 14-15 150iu Follistim, Cd 16 ultrasound - 16, 13, 13, 10, 9 mm follicles, Cd 16-17 150 iu Follistim, Cd 18 Ovradel trigger shot, Cd 20 IUI, CD 29 BFP!
9 dpo - Positive test!!!!!
11 dpo - beta 14
13 dpo - beta 44
15 dpo - beta 112!!!
February 2010 - Required rest cycle
January 2010 - Cd 3 baseline ultrasound (cyst is GONE!), cd 3-7 5mg Femara, Cd 7-12 75units Follistim injections, cd11 follicle tracking ultrasound 2-3 good follicles (45 total), Cd13 ultrasound 1-20mm on right, 1-17mm on left, HCG trigger shot, Cd 15 IUI, 1 dpo start Prometrium 100mg 2x/day, BFN
December, 2009 - HSG (tube dye test) showed both tubes are open and clear!
November 24, 2009 - Begin first round of treatments with Dr. Davis: Baseline ultrasound cd 2 showed a 4.5cm cyst on right ovary, cycle plans are revised....we must do a "rest cycle". So frustrated! Doing 5mg Femara only.
November 5, 2009 - First appointment with the well known Dr. Davis, a reproductive endocrinologist, at the University of Iowa Hospital's Center for Advanced Reproductive Care. Given Provera to induce cycle.
October 2009 -Baby aspirin daily, Extra B6, B12 & Folic acid, Femara 5mg CD 3-7, Repronex Injections (75 iu FSH & LH) CD 7-10, Estradiol CD 7-12, Ultrasound CD 12 showed NO follicles... no chance to get pregnant what so ever this month. Decided it's time for a referral to move on to the "Center for Advanced Reproductive Care" at the Univeristy of Iowa Hospitals.
October 2009 - Dr. W (chiropractor) says all inflammation is gone in my spine. Should be pregnant within 3 months (he has had AMAZING success with treating infertility patients, nearly all are pregnant within 90 days!)
October 2009 - Diagnosed with MTHFR (C677T & A1298C mutations). Begin low dose aspirin, extra folic acid, and Vitamins B 6 & B 12.
September 2009 - Present: Began seeing Dr. W, an amazing chiropractor! He pinpointed inflammation in the vertebrae that holds the nerves for my digestive system and reproductive system... hmm, I have issues with both, very interesting. Began subluxations to remove inflammation.
September 2009 - Off month, waiting for cycle to start and permission to start trying again...uhhh.
July/August 2009 - Femara 5mg CD 3-7, Repronex Injections (75 iu FSH & LH) CD 7-10, Ultrasound CD12 & 14 - 18mm & 21mm follicles, HCG trigger shot CD14, IUI CD 16, CD 21 p4: 15.9, CD 29 PREGNANT!!! Miscarriage at 5 weeks.
June/July 2009 - Began Femera 5 mg CD 3-7, Ultrasound shows 21mm follicle, hcg trigger shot, CD 21 p4: 5.9, BFN
June 2009- Referred to Dr. O who specializes in infertility
June 2009- SA results are excellent
June 2009 - CD 21 Blood work shows no ovulation (0.45 progesterone level)
May 2009 - 100mg Clomid - No ovulation: CD 14 ultrasound shows no follicles/no ovulation but reveals lots of cysts in ovaries
April 2009 - CD 21 blood work shows no ovulation ( 0.55 progesterone level)
March 2009 - Began 50mg Clomid - No ovulation
February 2009 - CD 21 blood work shows no ovulation is occurring (0.45 progesterone level)
February 2009- Blood work reveals Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS)
January 2009 - Still no cycle end, had 1st appointment with midwife to discuss possibilities, CD 3 blood work
November 2008 - Began trying to conceive on our own
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