October 26, 2009

my first volunteers... fall family pictures

I was lucky enough to have two great friends volunteer their families so that I could practice taking some pictures.

The first family up was Renee (I teach in the room right next to her) and her husband Drew, and their two adorable daugther's Grace (3) and Olivia (8 months).

The second adorable family that let me take pictures of them were Ashley and Erik and their cutie pie son Kyler who is 6 months old.

I had a blast with both of these families and greatly appreciate them letting me experiment with them, thanks guys!

And lastly, our attempt at a family picture.


Amber said...

you did a great job and such lovey families:)

Husband said...

Can you please tell your cat to look at the camera next time? Thanks!

Hoping for our own Peanut said...

these pictures are so awesome!!